At the annual meeting of the Polish Public Relations Association (PSPR) on November 19 in Warsaw Ryszard Solski, the founder and CEO of our consultancy, received their 2021 ”PR Head” award.

PSPR bestows this award on people who are most respected in Polish PR industry, who by their achievements or special initiatives contribute to positive and durable changes in the industry, inspire its members to help grow and give the right directions to public relations in Poland. The award is given for the totality of accomplishments of the laureates or for a unique professional or academic achievement in the passing year that has special importance for Poland’s PR industry. Among the winners there have been Polish PR pioneers such as Piotr Czarnowski or Alma Kadragic, academics Ewa Hope and Krystyna Wójcik, or Dariusz Tworzydło who combines these two worlds.

“This year the PSPR award giving committee distinguished a person who both knows personally the previous winners and together with whom he started working as a PR industry pioneer in Poland. Although it is 27 years since he crossed over to the ‘dark side’, he is still very active and could be teaching much younger colleagues about how to understand new technologies and the changing world. Thanks to this, his consultancy has been successfully growing, in line with new chapters and trends in the PR history. It has been consistently among Poland’s top consultancies, setting golden standards, even though as a leader he has been standing a bit aside. Despite this, his opinions are listened to attentively providing as they do wise and constructive criticism of our industry. About which he is joking that he is ‘at times applauding, and at times whistling’,” the committee said in substantiating their decision.

The “PR Head” award is given at the “PSPR Day”, an annual industry conference focused on public relations topics. PSPR jest is Poland’s oldest PR industry organization founded in 1994. Its members are PR specialists working at corporations, central and local government, academics, as well as consultants at PR agencies.





case studies


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Solski Communications for the Alpro brand


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