Nowadays, the benefits of having the reputation of a good employer are obvious for companies and organizations. Qualified, competent, and motivated employees are in fact the greatest asset of any company. It is the employees who by their daily work contribute to the success of the business, and determine its competitive advantage.
This is why it is so important for organizations to build the brand of good and responsible employer, both among current and prospective employees – graduates, potential candidates, specialists in their fields.
Our experience includes providing support for international companies, including those that are just entering the Polish market and are searching for employees, as well as those who are acquiring Polish companies, or starting their own regional service centers (BPOs) in Polands.
As part of employer branding projects aimed at prospective employees, we offer developing communication strategies, carrying out activities in traditional and social media, establishing relations with potential stakeholders, as well as identifying and supporting participation in promising business or HR events, and university initiatives.
As part of activities addressed to current employees, we offer creating a communication strategy based on the understanding of HR needs, regular communications consultancy, editing the content of internal communications, and help in the organization of employee events.