Ryszard is one of the most respected communication professionals in Poland, who has won the prestigious PRoton prize for three times (2008, 2011, and 2014).
In 2008 he founded Solski PR which in the same year was transformed into Solski Burson-Marsteller, and in 2016 changed its name into Solski Communications.
Under Ryszard’s stewardship, the consultancy has quickly built its key competences, achieved business success, and become one of the market leaders. Ryszard has also been developing and helping execute communications strategies for the majority of the agency’s clients, advising and representing them.
Earlier, in 1994-2008, Ryszard was general manager of a local PR agency Sigma, and helped make it Poland’s market leader. He also was very active in Poland’s PR community, having been elected president of the Board and Supervising Council of the Polish Public Relations Consultancies Association.
Before starting PR career in 1994, Ryszard worked as journalist, and diplomat.