In an annual survey of PR clients’ ratings, Solski Communications again received one of the best results. The summary of the study conducted by the renowned research company Kantar Polska, through telephone interviews with clients of 18 agencies, was published by the key Polish industry monthly Media i Marketing Polska in its latest, November issue.
All surveyed clients gave Solski Communications the maximum rating of 5.0 in three out of six categories, namely:
In the remaining three categories: “Strategy”, “Media Relations”, and “Issue management and crisis management”, the Agency obtained from 4.4 to 4.8 points.
In all detailed categories, Solski Communications received scores above 5 points, including, like last year, the maximum of 6 points in the category “Observes principles of professional ethics”.
The agency also received very high marks, improving upon last year’s results – which had already been high – in the following categories:
The following categories were also rated high, at 5.6 points:
In the remaining three categories, the agency received 5.1-5.3 points.
Summing up Solski Communications’ results, Media and Marketing Polska wrote: “As in previous years, based on client opinio0ns, one of the best-rated PR agencies, in every respect.”
“I would like to thank the clients who agreed to take part in the survey, for the trust they place in us and for such high marks. I am also proud of the team and employees who, with their commitment, level of professionalism and reliable work at all levels, fully deserve these assessments. We will do our best to keep enjoying the trust of our clients, and continue supporting them at the highest level. We also will try to improve our work in those areas where we received slightly lower marks,” – said Ryszard Solski, the founder and president of the agency.
The complete report is available in the November issue of Media Marketing Polska, pp. 78-92 (in Polish only).
01 December 2017
21 February 2017
04 November 2016